A group of trees with lights on them


a close-up of a pile of money

Importance of Building an Emergency Fund

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. From unforeseenmedical expenses to sudden job loss, emergencies can strike when we leastexpect them. That's why it's crucial to have a financial safety net in...
a couple of people sit on a bench at the beach

What Does it Take to Retire?

Think of those days when you cansleep in and spend the day doing whatever you want. To get there you need toplan how much money you'll need to live on when you retire.
a man sitting at a desk

Direct Deposit: Safe, Convenient, Dependable

Instead of collecting your next paycheck, have your employerdirectly deposit it into one of your bank or credit union accounts.
a person working on a laptop

Can Your Credit Limit Decrease?

Have you ever hadyour credit card denied only to find out that your credit limit had beenlowered? According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the credit card issuer canlower your limit at any time, and they are not...
a glass jar filled with coins

9 Common Money Myths

Part of knowing how tomanage your finances involves clearing up some misconceptions about money. Seehow many of these common money myths you believe.
a book on a table

The Case for Debt Consolidation

Consolidating your credit card bills into a single loan can be a wise financial move.Debt consolidation can lower your overall interest costs, reduce your monthlypayoff, eliminate late fees and over-the-limit charges, and...