Back to School Checklist

Back to School Checklist

When school starts back for kids after a long summer, there are definitely mixed emotions. It's tough for parents and kids alike to get adjusted to the school flow. Never fear, we have some helpful tips for the parents out there who struggle with starting the school routine or the extreme organization school often requires!

  • Start readjusting to a school-year bedtime several weeks before the start of school.
  • Hang a family calendar and color-code everyone's activities.
  • Gather all school forms as they arrive.
  • Book babysitters now for your school's parents' night and other dates when they'll be in-demand.
  • Create a family command center where you can find what you need as you head out the door.
  • Set up an in/out box for school forms.
  • Look at online organizational websites for tips.
  • Discuss goals for the year.
  • Institute a night quiet hour.
  • Reach out to your child's teacher.
  • If your child is anxious, do a "trial-run" of the first day of school.
  • Get involved with your child's teachers and school events.
  • Create a homework station

We hope this helps everyone get back into the routine of school!